1. What made you enter politics?  

I’ve always had a love for learning what’s going on around me and then wanting to be a part of that community.  I love learning the law and then coming up with ways to navigate the system, think outside the box, and help others do the same.  In truth, I love helping people learn what I have learned about the system of government that we have and then sharing it so that they will know what I know.  I also think that I had the unique credentials to do well working with people.  If you have ever taken the Gallup Strengths test, my top 5 Strengths are: 

1) Winning Others Over (Loves meeting new people & building relationships)  

2) Communication (Is good at presenting & getting a message out in all the various mediums)  

3) Arranger (Can organize and arrange for maximum productivity)  

4) Achiever (Has a great deal of stamina with a hard work ethic & specializes in being active and productive)  

5) Futuristic (Having a clear vision of the future and is motivated by it, which in turn helps to inspire others to see what the future can become.) 

I have used each of these talents daily to help move our city forward and to help bring people together all for the benefit of Maricopa itself.  It also doesn’t hurt that I have a strong law and financial background that I use daily as well to help the city.  I believe that collectively these talents work really well being in the political realm to accomplish tasks that the voters expect and sometimes they are challenges that seem insurmountable.  I thrive off of that challenge and coined the phrase:  #Maricopagrit   I’m pretty patient but I don’t take no for an answer and I just look for another way to accomplish it, even if it takes longer. I work until the work is done and I love solving problems. 

2. Do you have other future political goals?  

People always ask me this.  And I understand why… so many folks watch newly elected officials get into one elected office just work to try and get into another.  But that’s really not me.  You see I love this job because I live here, my family lives here, your families live here and I want to give it everything I can, so that it will be better when I leave, than when I found it.  I also love the fact that for the most part, politics don’t play a major role in our daily decisions.  Look potholes are NOT Republican, Democrat, Independent, or anything else…they are just potholes that need to be filled. The job is less theoretical and so much more factual. It’s fun to actually get things accomplished and surprise people that at least one form of Government CAN ACTUALLY get things done!  An elected state legislator friend of mine recently said after learning how the AZ State Legislature works and spending some time in the sausage grinder….He emphatically stated:  “I watch ‘you guys’ (Cities & City Council’s) get so much accomplished and I often wonder what am I even doing at the State Legislature?   We spend so much time playing political games and we get so little accomplished….I’m about ready to come back and run for City Council!”  So while I will never rule out doing something different as a possible elected official, as the day will come when it’s time to turn over my stewardship to another Mayor whose turn it is to do it their “own way” but standing on my shoulders, just as I stood on the shoulders of my predecessors to move us forward.  We each play our part and bring our unique talents to bear on the challenges at hand.  Some of us are better at it than others, but we each play a role and that’s the beauty of our system of government: “By the people, for the people”.   I will say this:  If I NEVER EVER get to be an elected official ever again in my lifetime, I will count this as one of the most honored times in my life.  It truly was the greatest honor of my lifetime to serve the City of Maricopa as its Mayor and I think about that each and every day that I still have that opportunity.  I take it very seriously.    

3. As Mayor of Maricopa, what do you find personally rewarding?  

For me, the most rewarding thing is talking to people and seeing them light up when I can guide them through how a city works. How to help them start a business.  To teach people about things they use in their everyday lives but have no idea how they function.  I love being able to educate them on these things and then help them navigate the challenges to help them live better lives.   Something else personally rewarding is being the underdog.  Maricopa amongst her colleague cities is the underdog and I love helping her play that role.  You see I am being told all the time, we’ll never get this or we’ll never achieve that…I thrive on that….you tell me no…..Oh yeah, it’s game on!  I am tenacious at proving that the underdog should be heard, has valid concerns and needs, and that our city’s residents deserve the same chance for success and economic stability as any other city in our state.  For so long people said that we’d never get an overpass over the RR tracks.  I believed to the contrary.  And we did it against all odds!!!  People told me we’d never get a hotel in Maricopa because it couldn’t support one, though all the facts pointed to the contrary.  And we accomplished that because we never gave up on building relationships that matter….now many more hotels want to follow suit.  People told me that the Gila River Indian Community would never come along with wanting to help us fix the 347 as it runs through their land.  Well, building relationships built on safety and common sense has gotten us their stamp of approval to move forward in getting this roadway fixed and listed as one of their top 4 transportation priorities.  I can go on and on, about triumphs like these.  Many will see them as only little victories, but they are catalysts to huge economic boons to our citizens and our city’s future growth.  These are literally foundational cornerstones to successes that will happen long after I am gone because we took the time today to do what others wouldn’t do. Myself and others sacrificed what others wouldn’t sacrifice.  We gave what others wouldn’t give and because of it, we will have a thriving city for thousands of people to live their slice of the American Dream for decades into the future.  If only all those folks knew what others gave up for them.  Knowing this and looking into the future but working tirelessly today and being grateful for yesterday’s challenges overcome, is probably one of the best feelings of accomplishment that one could ever have.  At least it is for me and I treasure it daily and strive to make more happen just like it, every day.     


Christian Price

City of Maricopa

Office of the Mayor
p: 520-316-6821

c: 520-280-1226
f: 520-316-6803


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