Featuring Retired NBA Athlete Jerrod Mustaf – By Chrystal Allen-O’Jon

Q&A with Retired NBA Athlete Jerrod Mustaf, Director of Basketball US Elite Basketball LLC – 12138 Central Avenue, Suite 390 Mitchellville, Maryland 20721, http://jerrodmustaf.com/index.cfm.

Who inspired you as a young athlete?

As a young athlete I was inspired by Muhammad Ali.  He was my greatest sports hero and I fell in love with his story.  I always wanted to stand for a greater cause than myself and to use my platform as an athlete to make a difference in the community and world. I didn’t fully understand what the word sacrifice meant until I learned who Muhammad Ali was. 

Do you think attitude is a factor in winning? Why?

You definitely have to have a confident attitude to win.  There are a lot of talented players in every sport, but they may not have the confidence to be a “playmaker” when the game is on the line.  All of the great ones have some intangible that separates them from others. And the beauty about sports is that it mirrors life- you can apply the skills acquired in sports to the workplace and in life.  Any young athlete should set goals to win on the court/field, in the classroom and in life! 

What sacrifices did you find the hardest to make your career in sports?

I knew that my time with friends and family would be limited if I wanted to pursue my goals in sports.  My freedom to own my personal space in the public had to be sacrificed too.  I had to understand that fans of my current team or franchise  would encroach on my personal space at dinner, the movies, while shopping, etc., but that was a sacrifice that all professional athletes had to make.  I had to sacrifice new friendships because it would be difficult to make new friends and relationships without feeling compromised due to my status as a professional athlete. And the earliest sacrifice was my personal time as a teenager who needed hours of training to develop my talent.  I had to sacrifice time at the beach in the summer and socializing with friends because I needed to be locked in a gym training. 

Do you think being a sportsperson has changed your life?

Playing sports has afforded me an opportunity to see the world and it has broadened my global perspective. 

What are your current projects?

I still direct my nonprofit, www.takechargeprogram.org . I also started a new basketball platform, www.uselitebasketball.com.  I founded another project in my hometown this past summer, www.columbuscountylegends.com, I also published my first book in 2021, www.becomingpops.com.


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