Positive Stories

Contrary to negative press, there are many young adults making positive impacts on society and working hard to accomplish great goals. We’d like to introduce you to such a young adult – Tatyana Ware.  She is a current student at Rio Salado Community College, and she works for the City of Maricopa. Below is what she’s doing to accomplish her goals.

Her Advice

Tatyana’s advice for young people juggling work and school: “My advice would be to make sure you balance out both to the best of your ability. If you can go to work in the morning let the afternoons, be for school or the other way around do school in the morning and work afternoons, and you give yourself the weekends to focus on you”.   She further explains, “My education obstacle has always been testing and working never made it any easier for me.  I however, managed to figure out a study schedule that works best for me”. She offers another tip “I study on my breaks and all the time before and after school.  I will do that and at times that also means me staying up later than usual just to get my work done so I have a better understanding”.

Her Goals

“My education goal is to learn as much as I possibly can throughout my life, especially since I want to be a Nurse.  It is a non-stop learning adventure for me and there’s always something else to know. My professional goal is to be an RN.  I haven’t really narrowed the rest down after that, but I will do that soon”.

A Fun Fact

“A fun fact about me is that I enjoy learning new things that I can use in everyday life.

There you have it! A young lady we can all be proud of.

Other Young Adults in Arizona

If there is a young person in Arizona that should be in our spotlight, please send us their bio, picture.

The only requirements are that they live in Arizona and are striving to be a good citizen! Not perfect but striving.


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