Written by: Tiara Carroll
Meet Mother & Daughter Entrepreneurs Tiara and Genai. Together they own Amor of Glam. AMPS caught up with these two, to get the “scoop” on their business experiences. Check out Tiara advice to new business owners. C. O’Jon

” My advice to young entrepreneurs would be to not only follow your dreams but stick with it, even when it’s hard or people who you expect to support you don’t.”

Being an entrepreneur is not easy, it’s takes time, patience, and dedication to reach your goals. You cannot do it alone, it’s okay to reach out for help from someone further in their entrepreneurial journey.
Start with “why” you’re doing what you’re doing and keep reminding yourself of that every day to fuel your motivation and deter any urge to quit. Constantly write your ideas down, do your research, there will be trial and error, just know that it is a part of the process. And for mothers starting businesses for their child, make sure to involve them in every step. Don’t force what you want on them, sit your child down and ask them their favorite colors, as you’re looking through photos ask your child what they like best, it’s ok to encourage and teach them in the process but make it’s your child’s decision. As they are the real owners of the business, you’re just guiding them.

Overcoming Obstacles:
As a working parent and running our daughter’s business, life still goes on. As the business grows, it is becoming harder to keep up with social media and marketing. posting content, growing an online customer base, managing the website, manufacturing products, attending events, etc. As a small business owner, you are responsible for all of these things and as we grow overcoming these things have made me realize that help is needed.
So, we’ve reached out for help to assist with these business obstacles. Consulting with other business owners as well as marketing experts. Also not taking obstacles personal. It’s life, you may not be able to post every day and that’s ok, stay focused and keep going.
Current Projects/Goals:
Currently, we are preparing for our new seasonal items, and bundles for upcoming events. Focusing on our brand, networking, and creating relatable content. Bringing our vision to life, we have launched our “Mommy and Me” Self-Care Events. These events are being planned to take place the first Sunday of each Month. We are very excited about it and plan to continue to bring our vision to life. At these events we are striving to encourage self-love, do different bonding activities, and have self-esteem building activities as well.
As a nurse with experience in adolescent psych, it is important to start young and also encourage parents to have time with their children, as a lack in that bonding aspect with a child, can definitely affect you as an adult. We are very motivated and look forward to launching this portion of the business and my daughter is loving every bit of it.
Fun Personal Facts:
My daughter Genaī is not your typical 6-year-old. She has a very shy but friendly and giving spirit. She will give away something before she takes anything. She is also very hands on with the business and wants to help with everything. I keep her involved and also encourage her to say how she feels. A fun fact about me is that I enjoy seeing others happy. My heart is so full when I see someone happy. No amount of money or anything can make you happy if you are not happy with yourself. Having a business to share with others, teaching and encouraging that aspect, and being a part of that happiness alongside of my baby girl is everything to me.
We strive to provide an excellent, safe and natural product. Creating a bonding moment between mothers, daughters, sisters, aunties, cousins etc. Encouraging positivity, self-love, and building strong relationships. There is nothing like sharing love with one another, having a great product that makes you feel good, and to share together is what our brand is all about.
My daughter is my daily motivation, she is my “why” this business was created. I feel great knowing that one day I can step aside and let her take the lead of her business. Also being a motivation to others to do what their heart desires, follow their dreams, and never give up.